Making money online certainly is a widespread practice, and many of us are very familiar with the ways to do so, from earning through online advertisements to simply selling products online.
Making money online, however, is not new. Fact is that there are already people who are into this trade even before the Internet that we know of is still in its infantile stage. One of these is Sara Young, a very resilient lady who has been making money on the Internet even before most of us have discovered it.
You see, Sara– a woman blessed with seven kids– have been making money on the Internet since 1994, and the Internet as we know it is still at toddler age by then. She started her foray into online marketing out even before then, when what became the World Wide Web is still confined to university networks.
Her earliest venture in the business involves helping a certain university professor with his email marketing campaign that targets students and statistics teachers, i. e. the only people who can access the Internet.
With her knowledge on technical matters, it became easy for her to catch up when the Internet that we are most familiar with finally saw the light of day.
During those days, she made a living building websites and programming using PHP and Perl. She found herself once again interested in online marketing years later when she was hired by Zend to manage their website in 2001.
This job allowed her to work from the comforts of her home for the most part, although it all stopped in 2002 when her company fell victim to the dot-com bubble’s collapse, leaving her unemployed.
This prompted Sara to leave programming behind and later experimented with pay-per-click (PPC) to cost-per-action (CPA) offers in the United Kingdom’s financial market, which earned her at least $200 for loans leads.
This, too, didn’t last long, as the market eventually crashed and Google began terminating accounts, leaving Sara needing to find other ways to make money on the Internet. As her PPC to CPA campaigns are making her lose money online, she began developing a method that soon became her latest course, the Easy Paycheck Formula.
Sara’s formula makes use of cost-free methods and allows her to practically make the equivalent of a full time income from the comforts of her home with just a few hours-worth of work in a week.
Having been through ups and downs throughout her career, Sara Young is definitely one of those experts that you can turn to and the Constant Profits Club looks to be a great resource for anyone.